GIGCO app shows all live music events around you.
Tailor your searches with location services and genre filters. Use the app to plan nights out, let friends know where you’re going to see bands and directly link to the ticket provider.
GIGCO app shows all live music events around you.
Tailor your searches with location services and genre filters. Use the app to plan nights out, let friends know where you’re going to see bands and directly link to the ticket provider.

Connect and
Discover Together

Connect and
Discover Together
Currently GIGCO automatically lists all music gigs at all music venues in our test area. We have more venues & more events listed than any competitor, so Fans always know What’s On!
You’ll find everyone from brand new local talents to the biggest iconic music stars.
You can download GIGCO in every country except China. We’re currently testing in the UK but will be coming to your country soon.
Download the app & start finding new gigs today! You can also get involved in our beta program for testing new improved versions of the app. Just get in touch via our contact form.
Currently GIGCO automatically lists all music gigs at all music venues in our test area. We have more venues & more events listed than any competitor so Fans always know What’s On!
You’ll find everyone from brand new local talents to the biggest iconic music stars.”
You can download GIGCO in every country except China. We’re currently testing in the UK but will be coming to your country soon.
Download the app & start finding new gigs today! You can also get involved in our beta program for testing new improved versions of the app. Just get in touch via our contact form.