GIGCO’s ecosystem centers around an all-in-one application for everything live music. Never miss a gig with the comprehensive What’s On guide and direct links to ticket providers. Earn rewards by engaging in community-building programs.

Key Features
What's On
What’s On lists Gigs at venues near you. Follow venues you like and save gigs to your favorites so you can easily find them. You can share events with friends and invite them to come along. Link directly to the ticket provider for the gig.

Gig-Finder is a matching service enabling Venues and Musicians to connect directly. Musicians can upload promo videos to our database that Venues can browse and choose who best fits their event. Smart contracts handle everything in escrow to protect against defaulters.

Soon GIGCO will introduce digital NFT ticketing. Digital ticketing allows venues to identify and reward superfans for their continued support. Also, GIGCO can identify superfans for benefits such as priority access to tickets for popular gigs.

If you want to know more, please get in touch with us.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I download the app?
You can download the app from either the App store or Google Play.
What are $GIG token rewards?
$GIG token is simply like a digital voucher that gives extra discounts, benefits, and payment flexibility. They can be earnt by engaging in community building programs.
Can I use GIGCO if I'm not a musician?
Of course, the platform is for the whole music community. A core focus of GIGCO is connecting musicians with their fans.
Do you sell gig tickets?
Currently we link out to 3rd party ticket providers. Soon our NFT ticketing services will launch with a wide range of programmable benefits.